Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Too many things in my head

If you look through my previous posts, you'll see that's a common theme ;) I think it reveals that I'm not very good at completion or resolution. That's a big issue for me.

Anyway, I only have one week left at my job. Woo hoo! Except that I still don't have another job :( I hate looking for jobs. I don't really want to work outside the home and ministry, so that makes everything else 1000 times more difficult. I don't have the education or experience to do the jobs I would like to do. Everything else is just ok. I think a fresh start will be helpful to me and the challenge of learning something new will keep me on my toes for awhile. But overcoming the "I don't wanna" attitude is difficult.

People ask me why I'm leaving, especially without having another job lined up, and they don't understand how big of a stumbling block it is for me. There is so much more involved - dealing with an uncertain future, figuring out how to balance a job and ministry, not doing well in learning the lesson of contentment, some depression, and a whole host of other factors. I was losing my mind in my current position, and for my own health and sanity, I needed to leave. That's it.

I'm trying to figure out a way to continue my education through an online program. I want to earn a bachelors of science degree, in either social work or psychology. I honestly would prefer psychology, even though I want more of a social work oriented career, because I believe it will build a stronger foundation for the work I would like to do. My specific area of interest is in child development in foster care and adoption situations. My ideal goal is to major in psychology for undergrad and get an MSW, but I'm not sure I would be accepted to an MSW program with a degree in psychology. I'll have to do some more research on that. Eventually becoming a LISW and LPC or PPC would be awesome, but I'm not sure how much time I'll have in the future to pursue education and a career. Both of those are still secondary to family and ministry, but they are very important to me.

To be able to work around job requirements and ministry, I need a totally online program. I've found some psychology programs, but no social work programs yet. And the psychology programs are few and far between.

So back to the job search issue: what I'm qualified for is office work as an administrative assistant, bookkeeper, legal secretary or something of the sort. My work schedule has to be flexible enough to allow me to go on a 1-week mission trip, attend family camp, and have some more time to see my family in IL, and those are minimum requirements. I really don't care what the pay is (within reason), and I don't really care about fringe benefits. I can do a detail oriented, facts and figures sort of job as long as I have a great deal of human interaction. Jobs that fill the bill and won't expect me to make a bazillion year commitment are few and far between.

I need to trust God to provide in this regard because I know that leaving my current job is the right thing to do at this time.


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