Thursday, September 22, 2005

Peace, be still?

I'm teaching a workshop at a ladies' day this Saturday. My topic, which I chose, is "Peace, Be Still". I like my topic. I have a lot of material to work with and a lot of good ideas. There are lots of Scriptures and illustrations available. I've taken lots of notes.

But how do I teach on peace when it's something with which I constantly struggle? I realize that this lesson will be as much for me as anybody else, if not more, and I know that's not always a bad thing when teaching. What's troubling me is that I know all the right answers, all the things to do to fix it, all the right things to say, but I still refuse to do it. I don't like the constant anxiety and discontentment that's been plaguing me, but I don't seem to want it to change badly enough.

They say that the pain to change must be less than the pain to stay the same in order to have the motivation to make lasting life changes. What does it cost for me to stay the same? Is it more convenient to continue suffering from depression than to pull myself up by the boot straps? Can I actually use this to my advantage? Or am I hurting myself and those around me? Does it hinder my ability to serve? Am I ruining my witness? Am I causing irreparable damage in relationships? Am I afraid of success? Or am I afraid of failure?

I need to seriously evaluate these questions and consider carefully the answers. Peace, be still?


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