Thursday, March 03, 2005

I'm not a good blogger

There are several blogs I read that are updated everyday or almost everyday. Not mine! When I first started, I was thinking it would be a good way to make me write down the million thoughts that go through my head each day. I guess it didn't work out as I planned.

I think part of the reason my plan didn't work is that I was thinking of a devotional blog where I would write about important spiritual truths from God's Word. The truth is that while there are oodles of very significant spiritual truths from God's Word that are very applicable to my life today, I don't like writing about them. Reasons? 1. I feel dishonest writing about things that I know are true that I do not apply to my own life. 2. I feel even more worthless when I look back and read what I wrote and realize that I probably had no intention of applying it in the first place.

So... today's a new day, and I can do whatever I want to on my blog! New plan: write what I want, when I want, about whatever I feel like writing at the time. There will be no guilt for not blogging or for failing to follow my own advice. I will simply try to live each day a little stronger than the day before and not look back.


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