Monday, December 13, 2004

Waiting for the fire, listening for thunder

Our choir performed the cantata "Night of Alleluias" this weekend. We started working on the music after Labor Day. When I first listened to the music, it brought tears to my eyes. The message was so appropriate for me right then. Shortly after we started working on the music, I was in a terrible auto accident. The message became even more meaningful.

God's people had been waiting and waiting and waiting for the Messiah to come. They didn't know when or how He would come. Many prophesies had been given to them about the coming Messiah, but there was mostly speculation.

When Jesus Christ was born, it was without the typical fanfare that accompanies the birth of a king. Most people had no idea that the Messiah had just been born. Angels appeared to some shepherds and announced the good news. The Magi saw the star over Bethlehem and knew a king had been born. Mary and Joseph had been told by angels that this little baby was the Christ-child. But no one else had a clue that laying in a manger, wrapped in swaddling clothes, was the Eternal King that would bring salvation to the world.

One of the songs in the cantata had these lyrics:

You may be waiting for the fire when I'm calling through the rain. You may be listening for thunder while I'm whispering your name. You may be searching for a sign to let you know that it's okay, hold on 'cause I'm on my way.

While the future holds much less spectacular events for me, God will provide for me in ways that I do not expect. And when that happens, I'm sure I will be surprised at how perfectly and completely things worked out. Only to have faith that God will bless me at the right time.


At 4:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Hold appropriate. I once heard a story about brothers who were swinging on vines and these vines would go out over a very deep and dangerous ravine. When the older brother would push his little brother out over the edge he would yell to his younger brother. "Hold On!" Many times in life we find ourselves in situations that we don't like or feel very comfortable with. We know that if the "vine breaks" we will be hurt, and we know that if we let go we'll be hurt. One thing we must remeber is that the "Vine" that we have ahold of is not going to break and if we want to survive we must "Hold On!" You keep holding on and you keep looking for Him where He may be found. They waited in hope. We live by faith in the One who came. While we have our problems, I would rather have ours than the problems of others.



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